Tag: digimon

Digimon Tag

Did you love Digimon as a kid? Well, check out these Digimon crest necklaces, available on Etsy. These gold-plated necklaces include one of the eight original 90s Digimon crests but have a simple magnetic design so you can swap them out. The necklace and one crest cost $40, but you can get all eight for $75, or one or two extra crests for just $10 each.

X Wave 2 Digi Device

Attention Digimon fans! There are four brand new Digi Devices coming out next week! Just like the 90s originals, each one comes with a unique Digimon to hatch, feed and train. You can get them for $40 when they release on March 31st, or you can grab one of the 20th Anniversary Digi Device V3s for $26.