Tag: fitness

Gym Box Home Gym

This revolutionary gym in a box packs all your home workout essentials! The Gym Box is your must-have home gym, with every part of the box having a practical use, a bunch of included accessories and over 165 exercises to try. Back the project now on Kickstarter to be one of the first owners.

Fitbit Versa 2

Step up your fitness game with the Fitbit versa 2, the next gen iteration of the heartbeat tracking, electronic watch that makes your life easier and healthier. Big W have listed this hot ticket item for sale with a small discount to entice you even further.


This innovative breathalyser is built to help you lose weight! The Lumen is a handheld breathalyser that measures CO2 levels in your breath to determine if you’re using fat or carbs for energy, so you can easily measure macros and optimise your weight loss program!

Resistance Band

This Resistance Band set will transform your at-home workouts. The 11 piece set is perfect for strength training, and can be used for more than 100 training movements. Designed to build muscle, these lightweight and portable pieces will elevate your exercise routine.