Tag: gym


This innovative breathalyser is built to help you lose weight! The Lumen is a handheld breathalyser that measures CO2 levels in your breath to determine if you’re using fat or carbs for energy, so you can easily measure macros and optimise your weight loss program!


Hate those clumps of powder in your protein shake? This battery-powered protein shaker is a MUST-HAVE for every workout! ️‍♂️The ProtoMix Blender by @reclutter can smooth drinks in just 5 seconds. One charge can last up to 3 weeks! Its powerful and portable design means you can enjoy your protein shake anywhere, at any time – no shaking needed!They’re currently on sale for only $69 so get in quick and order one today!

Gym Box Home Gym

This revolutionary gym in a box packs all your home workout essentials! The Gym Box is your must-have home gym, with every part of the box having a practical use, a bunch of included accessories and over 165 exercises to try. Back the project now on Kickstarter to be one of the first owners.


@ikea_australia are starting 2022 with a bang! And by bang we mean specifically this waterproof bag that’s just $3.50! The RENSARE is meant to be used to carry things such as sweaty workout clothes, delicate bottles and wet swimwear. And if you fold it in, it’s completely waterproof! Which means you can take this nifty product to the gym and the beach. Winning! Tag someone who NEEDS this bag!