Tag: stress relief

Scoopi Slime

Reignite your slime obsession with these gourmet slimes, perfect for the passionate slimers out there!Handmade and almost good enough to eat (but definitely dont), @scoopislimes create slimes that will leave you endless hours of fun no matter your age. From guacamole to fairy bread, choose the perfect slime creation for you!

Sleep Pods

Relaxing at the end of the day is something most of us struggle with, that’s why we’re kinda obsessed with the idea of a constant relaxing cuddle from @sleepwelltech’s Sleep Pods!These Sleep Pods are designed to apply slight pressure around your body while you snooze, helping reduce your heart rate and promote relaxation. Know someone who could use one of these? Tag them below!

Dammit Dolls

Feel you’re about to punch a hole into the wall? You need one of these!@dammitdollsau are perfect for releasing ALL of your anger and frustrations onto! Like a stress ball, just stretchier and with a HEAP more personality!We’re obsessed with the (ex) president doll! #makeourselvesfeelGREATAGAIN